Powerful Investing Newsletter Sent to You Bi-weekly
Who is on the investing newsletter team? The Bull Market team represents over 55 years of stock market experience managing investments and analyzing companies, having served among the ranks of Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns, Salomon Smith Barney, and other Wall Street institutions.
The Bull Market Report, a powerful investment newsletter, is emailed bi-weekly and includes actionable market commentary, new stock picks, in-depth stock research and analysis, and updates on stocks in our ten portfolios listed here. In addition, you will receive News Flashes from time to time during the week to keep you up to date on the stocks in our portfolios.
The next full issue of THE BULL MARKET REPORT will be March 24, 2025.
Bi-weekly Newsletter
News Flashes
We are long-term investors at The Bull Market Report, not traders.
Investing Philosophy
The Bull Market Report focuses on researching and identifying companies with significant appreciation potential. Our investing newsletter aims to keep you informed of the latest market developments and to provide you with company intelligence to help you make sound investment decisions. Our goal is to help you achieve above-average returns from companies that are poised to revolutionize their industries and that are having a major influence on the world we live in. We want to help you create wealth for yourself and your family.
Meet the Team
Todd Shaver is the founder of
BullMarket.com and The Bull Market Report.
He became Editor in Chief of the investing newsletter following a distinguished tenure in the money management business with both Morgan Stanley and Salomon Smith Barney. In the 1980s he ran his own real estate company, The Dulles Group, which specialized in finding large tracts of raw land for investors and developers. In the 1990s he was the host of a successful local radio show, The Bull Market Report, on business radio in Washington, DC, giving a live show each morning during rush hour. Todd was a regular guest on Business News Network radio, where he applied his knowledge of the markets to finding quality growth stocks. You can also catch him on Bloomberg TV from time to time as a guest commentator. He loves to teach investors how to buy quality stocks and how to use options to enhance incomes.
Todd has been managing money for over four decades now. He knows and understands quality, long-term investing and his specialty is finding growth-oriented companies as well as high dividend paying stocks. In the past he has managed money for a number of clients both in equities and futures. The Bull Market Report is a powerful source for financial information on the Internet.
And Todd makes himself available for YOUR questions and feedback in the members area of BullMarket.com
Susan Randel, Todd Shaver's Executive Assistant
Susan is standing by to assist you with any Customer Service needs.
The Bull Market Report was founded by Todd Shaver in the late 1990s. It became a leading financial publishing company, dedicated to providing investors with sound, long-term investing advice. Led by Editor in Chief Todd Shaver, our dedicated staff of editorial and research analysts publishes The Bull Market Report, a bi-weekly investing newsletter delivered via email. The investing newsletter focuses on the stock and bond markets, and works to uncover stocks and investments with strong wealth-creation potential.
Through the disciplined use of fundamental and technical indicators, as well as unique investment contacts throughout a number of different industries, our research staff has been able to discover some of Wall Street’s best-performing stocks BEFORE the rest of the market. The Bull Market Report follows and researches a wide variety of investment alternatives, from stable blue-chip investments to aggressive up-and-coming young firms, and organizes these top-notch picks into a number of portfolios based on both industry and investment objective characteristics. We have consolidated this into ten powerful portfolios capped by STOCKS FOR SUCCESS, plus the new Energy Portfolio, our Long Term Growth Portfolio, High Technology Portfolio, and the High Yield Portfolio, among others.